Readings Available On My Passes!
Hey there, I'm Paige- I've been interested in tarot for as long as I can remember. Some years ago now I decided that I was done with what anyone else thought and wanted to follow my passions that included tarot, divination, and magic!
I was first drawn to tarot as a kid when I saw my first reading and was fascinated- from then on I was determined to learn it for myself. It wasn't until the time I was almost graduating from college that I decided to buy my first deck- I was feeling in need of some guidance and help finding my path. I was moving around from one job to another as I struggled to find what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be- and life wasn't feeling very magical at the time. I grabbed a Rider-Waite deck, slept with it under my pillow for a week, and dove in to my guidebook. What I found was an amazing tool of personal insight and incredible symbolism that I think can be beneficial for everyone who is interested to use.
While I don't think the tarot cards themselves hold magical power, I do believe that they allow us to use our own personal power and the "magic" chaos of the universe to help us find meaning and the right approach for whatever is in front of us. Tarot cards are incredibly powerful tools that can be used for personal growth, healing, and empowerment- and sometimes this feels like getting called out by the cards! (Like yes I know I'm not sleeping well!!)